Meredith MacLeod Davidson
he’s dusted cinnamon about the roots
of every houseplant butterfly buoyant keyboard
it’s about impossible, no? – to write anything but revenge?
though what but vengeance could counter a violence when
to the ( ) there was no witness
where a net of hibiscus soaks at the base of a succulent
where a fig leaf weakens in the margins of a flake of tourmaline
where a repurposed beer can now hosts furred shoots from an unseasoned cutting
What if we selectively bred all plants to be carnivores?
I’m trying to tell you, there was a ( ) here
knees skidded in carefully maintained grass outside
– carving a gash near to bone with nothing just
photosynthetic pulp: blood and green dried to a complex
scab not unlike bird’s nest or owl pellet. Something beautiful
to be shredded when examined;
to mark this ( )
Meredith MacLeod Davidson is a poet and writer from Virginia, currently based in Scotland, where she recently earned an MLitt in Creative Writing from The University of Glasgow. Meredith has work forthcoming in Cream City Review, Poetry South, and elsewhere, and serves as senior editor for Arboreal Literary Magazine.