
Up to 3 poems at a time, unlimited length (but please, try to keep it within 3 pages per poem). Please submit them in Word documents, attach an image/PDF if there is any special formatting.


Up to 3,000 words. Submit in Word format and attach a PDF if there is any special formatting.

For longer pieces: We accept up to 10 pieces of longer (< 9,000 words) fiction submissions per reading period. This page will be updated once we reach our cap.

Visual Art-

Send 1-3 pieces. We prefer JPGs.

IMPORTANT! Please read

BLEACH! asks that you either donate to OR share (Twitter, Instagram, etc) a campaign or nonprofit (UNRWA, Doctors Without Boarders, GFMs for Palestine, Sudan, or other regions, just to list a few). Please attach a screenshot of your donation confirmation or social media post in your submission email. This won’t impact our publication decisions.

Submission Details-

Please email all submissions to bleachlitmag@gmail.com with the subject line “BLEACH! [your name] [genre]-[title of piece] and include a short 3rd-person bio. We ask that you only submit once per submission period.


We ask for first electronic rights and non-exclusive archival rights. All rights revert to the author upon publication. By submitting, if accepted, you give us the right to make line level/grammatical edits.

Simultaneous submissions are welcomed, but let us know if a piece gets accepted elsewhere.

The editors would appreciate it if you could include how you found out about BLEACH! in your submission email to help us build our community and audience. It’s optional of course :)

DO NOT submit anything racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. Please include trigger warnings for sensitive content on the first page before the piece.

Also, we don’t accept anything AI generated. Even if you’re an AI.

Subs are OPEN

Follow us on Twitter @bleachlitmag for updates

First time submitting to a mag? Here’s something to guide you.
